Publication details [#28033]
Löckinger, Georg. 2016. Reimagining Terminology Management in an Encyclopaedic Context. In Kaunzner, Ulrike A. and Antonella Nardi, eds. Verstehen durch Hören und Lesen - Teil I: Interlinguale Untertitelung in Theorie und Praxis [Understanding by Listening and Reading - Part I: Interlingual Subtitling in Theory and Practice]. Special issue of Trans-Kom. Journal of Translation and Technical Communication Research 9 (1): 149–169. URL
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Recently, language professionals have become increasingly aware that they can make efficient use of tailor-made collections of texts for various activities. This is particularly true for activities involving some kind of text production, such as translation, technical writing or terminology management. After a short introduction, the present article starts with discussing corpus linguistics, the central concept(s) ‘text corpus’ as well as its real-world manifestations (section 2). Based on these conceptual fundamentals, two different user profiles are outlined with regard to special language reference tools (section 3). Section 4 is about the practical use of text corpora by language professionals. In the following section 5, the author takes a look beyond the boundaries of text corpora to shed some light on an intelligent combination of languages technologies and language resources. Section 6 concludes with a brief outlook and a short discussion of research desiderata for the topic at hand.
Source : Based on abstract in journal