
Publication details [#28036]

Żmudzki, Jerzy. 2015. Blattdolmetschen in pragmatischer Perspektive der anthropozentrischen Translatorik [Sight interpreting in a pragmatic perspective of the anthropocentric Translation Studies] (Lubliner Beiträge zur Germanistik und angewandten Linguistik 3). Bern: Peter Lang. 344 pp.
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The author identifies sight interpreting as an autonomous translation type. His research is based on F. Grucza und S. Grucza’s paradigm of anthropocentric Translation Studies. It makes use of original text material and recordings of authentic interpretations. The methodology consists in the autodescription of mental processes during sight interpreting and the use of speech synthesizers. Żmudzki distinguishes sight interpreting from previous subdivisions and definitions, such as (Stegreif) Übersetzen [sight translation or translation from the page]. The book also pays attention to the controlling system and its function in the sight translation process.
Source : D. Van Schoor

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