
Publication details [#28268]

Gambier, Yves and Luc van Doorslaer, eds. 2016. Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines (Benjamins Translation Library 126). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 380 pp.


For decades, Translation Studies has been perceived not merely as a discipline but rather as an interdiscipline, a trans-disciplinary field operating across a number of boundaries. This has implied and still implies a considerable amount of interaction with other disciplines. There is often much more awareness of and attention to translation and Translation Studies than many translation scholars are aware of. This volume crosses the boundaries to other disciplines: every chapter is co-authored both by a specialist from Translation Studies and a scholar from another discipline with a special interest in translation. Sixteen disciplinary dialogues about and around translation are the result, with partners from Computational Linguistics, History and Comparative Literature, Biosemiotics, Game Localization Research and Gender Studies. The volume not only challenges the boundaries of Translation Studies but also raises issues such as the institutional division of disciplines, the cross-fertilization of a given field, the trends and turns within an interdiscipline.
Source : Based on publisher information

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