
Publication details [#2829]

Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language


The author notes how specialisation is less of an option for the translator dealing with “minority” languages, in this case Dutch. Her primary object in this article is to underline the negative effects of early specialization and the potential benefits of adopting a truly open-minded approach. The article lists a few recommendations for anyone contemplating a translation career, working with a so-called language of limited diffusion: the translator’s command of the target language must be faultless; the translator must never miss a deadline; the translator should never assume that any information acquired is useless; LLD translators or generalist translators should be able to get a rapid feel for the subject; LLD translators should seek the help of colleagues working in the same language and therefore build up a network of contacts.
Source : L. Jans