
Publication details [#28363]

De Rosa, Gian Luigi, Francesca Bianchi, Antonella De Laurentiis and Elisa Perego, eds. 2014. Translating Humour in Audiovisual Texts. Bern: Peter Lang. 533 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language


Translating humour for audiovisuals is not too different from translating verbal humour tout court. What makes humour occurring within audiovisual texts more problematic is the fact that it may be visually anchored; in other words a gag or a joke may pivot on verbal content directed at a specific element that is present within the graphic system of the same text. Audiovisuals contain two overlying structures: a visual and an auditory channel each of which contain a series of both verbal and non-verbal elements which inextricably cross-cut one another. The contributors in this collection of essays present a series of case studies from films and video-games exemplifying problems and solutions to audiovisual humour in the dubs and subs in a variety of language combinations.
Source : Based on publisher information

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