
Publication details [#2841]

Lorenzo, María Pilar. 1999. La seguridad del traductor profesional en la traducción a una lengua extranjera [The risks for the professional translator of translating into a foreign language]. In Hansen, Gyde. Probing the process in translation: methods and results (Copenhagen Studies in Language 24). Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur. pp. 121–134.


This paper discusses the fundamental differences between translation from and into the mother tongue, specifically the process of decision-making. Such differences have not been considered adequately in translation theories, which are traditionally based on observations made on translation into the mother tongue. When teaching students how to translate into the foreign language, this lack of knowledge becomes evident, since teachers tend to focus on strategies which are characteristic of translation into the mother tongue, even though this involves certain risks which make decision-making difficult. In a study in which two Danish professional translators were asked to translate two texts into Spanish, it is investigated whether they are prepared to take risks when trying to find an optimal translation or whether they prefer to play it safe.
Source : Abstract in journal