
Publication details [#28465]

Lerat, Pierre. 2014. Pour des dictionnaires juridiques multilingues du citoyen de l'Union européenne [On multilingual legal dictionaries aimed at EU citizens]. In Mac Aodha, Mairtin, ed. Legal Lexicography: a comparative perspective (Law, Language and Communication). London: Routledge. pp. 89–102.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Source language


Lerat proposes a methodology for the creation of a database multilingual legal dictionary aimed at EU citizens who by virtue of their general and linguistic knowledge are ‘semi-experts’. The author argues that such a project is all the more feasible given the degree of commonality between the basic legal concepts of French Law, German Law, Italian Law and even UK Law. He rejects the traditional distinction between lexicography and terminography, insisting that all lexicography is to a greater or lesser extent specialist. The starting point for every entry should be the concept, and should progress from this global level to the local level (level of language), with a ‘minimal definition’ inserted between the onomasiological and semasiological levels. The author also sets out a list of desiderata for a legal terminological database including the indication of hyponymic relations, the limitation of grammatical information, the provision of typical collocates, and so on.
Source : Based on editor’s introduction