
Publication details [#28618]

Luan, Haiyan and Ju Miao. 2016. 关于加拿大翻译教育发展若干特征的思考 [Key features of Canadian translation and interpretation education]. Translation Horizons (翻译界 (Fanyi Jie)) 1 (2) : 92–103. URL


Canadian translation and interpretation education took off in the 1970s, driven by a confluence of factors. The rapid expansion of the market for translation and interpretation as a result of the introduction of the Official Languages Act in 1972, coupled with the extensive communication and dissemination of information and knowledge on the global scale and the intensive development and application of ICT, has profound implications on the translation and interpretation industry and its demand for qualified translators and interpreters. This change called for a new model of education and training that focused on a set of competences addressing the real needs of the profession.
Source : S. Sun