Publication details [#2886]
Beeby Lonsdale, Allison, Doris Ensinger and Marisa Presas, eds. 2000. Investigating translation (Benjamins Translation Library 32). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. xiv + 296 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
Selected papers from the 4th International Congress on Translation, held in Barcelona in 1998.
US ISBN: 1-55619-791-8
This volume brings together a selection of papers presented at an international conference held in Barcelona in 1998. The papers illustrate four areas: The purpose of the first section, "Investigating Translation Paradigms", is to reach a critical revision of existing paradigms and to develop new ones in approaching the translated text. The second section, "Investigating the Translation Process", focuses on the skills, knowledge and strategies that make up translation competence. The third section, "Investigating Translation and Ideology", addresses not only the ‘invisible’ influence of ideologies on the translator, but also the role of translators in transmitting ideology. The fourth section, "Investigating Translation Receiver", envisages translators as communicators caught between the opposing trends of localisation and globalisation.
Source : Based on Transst
Articles in this volume
Mallafrè i Gavaldà, Joaquim. Models de llengua i traducció catalana [Language models and Catalan translation]. 9–27
Neubert, Albrecht. Theory and practice of Translation Studies revisited: 25 years of translator training in Europe. 13–26
Lvóvskaya, Zinaida. The scope of a communicative theory of translation: an attempt at systematisation. 27–36
García Izquierdo, Isabel and Josep Marco Borillo. The degree of grammatical complexity in literary texts as a translation problem. 65–74
Beeby Lonsdale, Allison, Laura Berenguer i Estellés, Doris Ensinger, Olivia Fox, Amparo Hurtado Albir, Nicole Martínez Melis, Wilhelm Neunzig, Marisa Presas and F. Vega. Acquiring translation competence: hypotheses and methodological problems of a research project. 99–106
Scott-Tennent, Christopher, Maria González Davies and Fernanda Rodríguez Torras. Translation strategies and translation solutions: design of a teaching prototype and empirical study of its results. 107–116
González Ruiz, Víctor. La traducción del título cinematográfico como objeto de autocensura: el factor religioso [The translation of film titles as the object of self-censorship: the religious factor]. 161–169
Clark Peres, Ana Maria. La traduction des contes de fées: l’enfant entre la tradition et l’avenir [Translation of fairy tales: the child between tradition and future]. 181–191
Fuentes Luque, Adrián and Dorothy Kelly. The translator as mediator in advertising Spanish products in English-speaking markets. 235–242