
Publication details [#28938]

Acuña Partal, Carmen. 2015. La aportación de Cádiz a la historia de la traducción médica en la España del siglo XIX [The contribution of Cadiz to the history of medical translation in nineteenth-century Spain]. In Varela Salinas, María José and Bernd Meyer, eds. Translating and Interpreting Healthcare Discourses / Traducir e interpretar en el ámbito sanitario (TransÜD: Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens 79). Berlin: Frank & Timme. pp. 17–30.


This paper examines the translation practices in the province of Cádiz in the nineteenth century. It describes the medical and translation activities of the Real Colegio de Cirurgía de la Armada de Cádiz, created in 1748 to train surgeons for the fleet sailing to the Indies. The training centre collaborated with other European and international medical schools, and made use of foreign texts and translations during its courses. In this article, the author presents the translation work of the Real Colegio de Cirurgía de Cádiz and of other institutions in the city, which contributed to the reception and dissemination of the most advanced scientific knowledge of its era.
Source : D. Van Schoor