Publication details [#28945]
Ortega Arjonilla, Emilio. 2015. Algunas reflexiones teórico-prácticas sobre la traducción de textos médicos especializados del francés al español [Some theoretical-practical reflections on the translation of specialized medical texts from French into Spanish]. In Varela Salinas, María José and Bernd Meyer, eds. Translating and Interpreting Healthcare Discourses / Traducir e interpretar en el ámbito sanitario (TransÜD: Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens 79). Berlin: Frank & Timme. pp. 157–185.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
This article deals with the difficulties inherent in the translation of specialized medical texts from French to Spanish. The author establishes comparisons between biomedical texts in English, French and Spanish from a linguistic, cultural terminological and translational point of view. He continues with an analysis of the translation problems related to the use of English loan words in the French language, and tries to illustrate some of the most important obstacles in medical translation from French to Spanish, from an academic and professional point of view.
Source : D. Van Schoor