
Publication details [#29026]

Lafarga, Francisco, Carole Fillière, María Jesús García Garrosa and Juan Jesús Zaro, eds. 2016. Pensar la traducción en la España del siglo XIX [Translation theories in 19th century Spain] (Babélica. Pensamiento y Traducción). Madrid: Escolar y Mayo. 316 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
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This book, which consists of four chapters that correspond to major moments in the cultural history of 19th century Spain, proposes to present the ideas on translation that were manifested in that century, embodied in numerous prologues and journalistic articles. Each chapter consists of a study of the situation at each time period, with its corresponding critical bibliography, and a section that brings together significant texts, arranged in chronological order.
Source : J.J. Zaro