Publication details [#2905]
Richardson, Stephen D., ed. 2002. Machine Translation: from research to real users (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2499). Cham: Springer. 254 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, AMTA 2002, Tiburon, CA, USA, October 8-12, 2002.
People wonder if the promise of the research technologies is being realized to any measurable degree. In this regard, the papers in this volume target responses to the following questions: Why aren't any current commercially available MT systems primarily data-driven? Do any commercially available systems integrate (or plan to integrate) data-driven components? Do data-driven systems have significant performance or quality issues? Can such systems really provide better quality to users, or is their main advantage one of fast, facilitated customization? If any new MT technology could provide such benefits (somewhat higher quality, or facilitated customization), would that be the key to more widespread use of MT, or are there yet other more relevant unresolved issues, such as system integration? If better quality, customization, or system integration aren't the answer, then what is it that users really need from MT in order for it to be more useful to them?
Source : Based on bitra