
Publication details [#2914]

Aguilar-Amat Castillo, Anna and Laura Santamaría Guinot. 1999. Terminologia i llengües minoritzades [Terminology and minority languages]. Quaderns 3 : 101–112. URL


Terminology is an indispensable tool for any state, above all when one of the languages of that state has been repressed historically. The denomination 'less widely spoken languages' includes all languages that suffer discrimination, even though these languages may be minority languages or not, as is the case with some African or Latin American languages. In these cases linguistic and terminological normalisation is a priority. However, this priority comes up against international criteria in favour of globalisation, arguing that globalisation favours commercial and scientific communication. This supposed improvement in international communication could be a smoke screen for cultural colonialism and market expansion. In order to respect and give proper value to multiculturalism an effort is needed to qualitatively analyse the conceptual differences of other cultures.
Source : Bitra