
Publication details [#29287]

Conde-Parrilla, M. Angeles. 2018. El Quijote en inglés: las ingeniosas andanzas del hidalgo don Quijote por la lengua inglesa [Don Quixote in English: the witty adventures of Don Quixote around the English language]. In Saad, Saad Mohamed, ed. Estudios en torno a la traducción del Quijote [Studies concerning the translation of Don Quixote] (Interlingua). Granada: Comares. pp. 121–142.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Person as a subject
Title as subject


The present article lists the main translations of Don Quixote into English and analyses five representative versions of a hilarious passage from Cervantes’s novel focusing on the strategies and methods employed by their translators. This section is followed by a reflection on the prominent cultural role played by both literary translation and classic works in an increasingly alien and hostile working environment. The creativity and inventiveness of future literary translators, it is argued, need to be developed in the classroom, and a very productive activity is the translation for children of inspiring passages from Don Quixote.
Source : Author(s)