
Publication details [#29305]

Bender, Reet. 2017. Эстонские переводы балтийско-немецких текстов в советскую эпоху и их восприяти [Translations of Baltic German texts into Estonian in the Soviet period: history of translation and reception] In Pild, Lea, ed. Стратегии перевода и государственный контроль - Translation Strategies and State Control (Acta Slavica Estonica 9). Tartu: University of Tartu Press. pp. 236–247.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Target language


The article gives an overview of translations of Baltic German texts into Estonian in the Soviet period and the reception of these translations. Translation history is viewed in the broader context of reception of the Baltic German theme. Metaphorically, the reception history until World War II could be expressed in terms of von Vegesack’s “glass wall” based on language, estate and ethnicity, and the reconciliatory broader attitude promoted by August Annist. After World War II, the reception of Baltic German texts diverged. At the official level, the opportunities for dealing with Baltic German subject matter were very limited; therefore, the Baltic German theme almost fell into oblivion. A total of 41 translations of Baltic German texts were published from 1945–1987 (9 of them in exile and 32 in Estonia). The translations had a noticeably non-fiction character. Most of them were memoirs or (popular) scientific texts, which in its turn confirms that Baltic German text creation was based on fact rather than literary expression.
Source : Based on S. Kupp-Sazonov