
Publication details [#29310]

Stepaništševa, Tatjana. 2017. «Лирический фрагмент» Ф. И. Тютчева на эстонском языке: О стратегии переводчика [F. I. Tyutchev’s “Lyrical Fragment” in Estonian: the translator’s strategies] In Pild, Lea, ed. Стратегии перевода и государственный контроль - Translation Strategies and State Control (Acta Slavica Estonica 9). Tartu: University of Tartu Press. pp. 199–220.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
Person as a subject
Title as subject


The article starts the study of the collection Ilmsi ja ulmsi (Tallinn, 1977) that contains the Estonian translations of F. Tyutchev’s, A. Fet’s and I. Nikitin’s poems. Andres Ehin, the compiler and editor of the collection, was also one of the translators. The object of analysis in the article was Ehin’s translations of Tyutchev’s poems in co-authorship with Ly Seppel. By the time they worked on the book, both Ehin and Seppel had sufficient experience in translation; both were also well-known poets belonging to the generation who started their literary career in the 1960s. Therefore, their translations cannot be regarded as filling an official order but as authors’ experience in literary translation where Ehin and Seppel solved creative problems. As the analysis shows, the “Estonian Tyutchev” acquired some features characteristic of the poetry of the translator, but also lost some of the originality of the author because of amplification of poeticality, which met the readers’ expectations.
Source : S. Kupp-Sazonov