
Publication details [#29939]

Newman, Jane O. 2017. Translation Theory in a Comparative Literature Department. In Venuti, Lawrence, ed. Teaching Translation: programs, courses, pedagogies. London: Routledge. pp. 134–140.


This chapter describes the seminar in “Theories of Translation”, which is part of the doctoral program in the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of California at Irvine. For the theoretical readings, students post a commentary on an online message board before each session. They also submit a series of translating exercises that include preparing a literal translation of a text along with a more polished translation and then retranslating this translation into both a current standard dialect of English and a “minoritizing” dialect. These exercises culminate in a final project: a fifteen-to-twenty page translation accompanied by an introductory essay that discusses the student’s practice in relation to at least five theoretical texts.
Source : Based on information from author(s)