
Publication details [#29942]

Türkkan, Sevinç. 2017. Translation and World Literature: The One Thousand and One Nights. In Venuti, Lawrence, ed. Teaching Translation: programs, courses, pedagogies. London: Routledge. pp. 156–162.


This chapter describes an undergraduate course that focuses on translations, adaptations, and rewritings of The One Thousand and One Nights. The course treats translations as translations so as to problematize notions of authenticity and originality while highlighting the role of translators as interpreters. The study of adaptations and rewritings enlarges students’ understanding of the translators’ role in constructing a text out of which other texts and media proliferate to form “world literature”. The course not only involves cultural translation from a supposed medieval Arab literary tradition, but it also teaches students to read translations as artifacts of mediation between various cultural logics: Arabic-European, Eastern-Western, and Islamic-secular. As such, the course serves as an introduction to the ethics and politics of translation, representation and world literature.
Source : Based on information from author(s)