Publication details [#3002]
Vandaele, Jeroen, ed. 1999. Translation and the (re)location of meaning (CETRA Publications 4). Leuven: CETRA (The Leuven Research Center for Translation, Communication and Cultures). 452 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
Selected papers of the CETRA research seminars in Translation Studies, 1994-1996.
ISBN not available.
As in previous CETRA volumes, this book contains essays on topics as varied as journalism, documentaries, film, sociolects, dialects and 'new languages,' children's literature, emigrant literatures, and technical language. Generally speaking, the essays in this volume testify to the fact that translation is seen as a 'relocation of meaning' in the sense that a 'relocation' automatically implies a change at the core of meaning itself. Contributors include Siobhan Brownlie, Mette Rudvin, Erkka Vuorinen, Luis Pegenaute, Ernst-Norbert Kurth, Kate Sturge, Laurence Malingret, Patrick Zabalbeascoa, Lukasz Bogucki, Ieva Zauberga, Nike Kocijancic, Mieke Desmet, Jeroen Vandaele, Jürgen Gercken, Eliana Franco,. Alexandra Assis Rosa, Carmen Millán Varelo, Francisco Javier Diaz, Sonia Colina, Ilse Coppieters, Sung Hee Kirk, Martine Ozbot, and Anthony Pym. [Source: abstract of the Center for Translation Studies, University of Texas at Dallas]
Source : Unknown