
Publication details [#30397]

Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Journal DOI


In an organization in which all official texts must be translated, a computer-assisted drafting tool could guarantee the proper functioning of the documentation production chain. Providing translators with source texts that have been corrected by their authors to eliminate unwanted ambiguities (i.e., coming from errors in official nomenclature, acronyms or quotations, non-use of official or recommended terms, spelling or syntax mistakes, incomplete sentences, repetitions) thanks to an on-line content-checking tool based on/ linked to existing official terminology and text data bases would result in more uniform and higher quality target texts. Such a computer-assisted drafting tool would also serve as a translation and comprehension tool. The aim of this article is to describe the text editing and translation workflow at the United Nations, given the organization’s language and documentation policy, and to analyze the pros and cons of source text improvement and standardization through automation.
Source : Based on abstract in journal