
Publication details [#30403]

Merkle, Denise. 2018. L’état des lieux de la formation en traduction professionnelle au Nouveau-Brunswick: la littératie au service de la formation en traduction [Professional translator training in New Brunswick: literacy skills as a basis for translator training]. In El Qasem, Fayza and Freddie Plassard, eds. Traduire, écrire, réécrire dans un monde en mutation 2 [Writing and translating as changing practices 2]. Special issue of Forum. Journal of Interpretation and Translation 16 (1): 122–141.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Journal DOI


The purpose of this article is to encourage further research on a professional translator training model designed to respond to the global reality of rapid and fundamental change, to which Canada as a member of the global community, must adapt. The traditional emphasis on reading, writing and mathematical competency in the school system is shifting to an emphasis on the mastery of technological skills and knowledge. In the process, what is frequently forgotten is that solid first language literacy skills (reading and writing), just like mathematical skills, are fundamental to all learning. In fact, technocratic and consumer societies are placing ever less value on, to the point of questioning the usefulness of, the traditional educational path to the translation profession. Mastery of French writing skills was achieved through the courses taken as part of French-Canada’s classical education system, based on Latin and Greek studies, or cours classique. The time has come to take a fresh look at professional translator training in order to take into account the new reality in terms of literacy.
Source : Based on abstract in journal