
Publication details [#30406]

Leoncini Bartoli, Antonella. 2016. Guides de rédaction et traduction dans le cadre de l'Union européenne [Style guides and translation in the European Union]. Rome: Centro d’Informazione e Stampa universitaria. 128 pp.


This volume reflects on the link between writing, translation and revision in the context of the European Union. Translation is a key element of communication in the European public and political sphere and guarantees the accessibility of documents published in all languages to all citizens of the European Union. The credibility and authority of the European Union is based on effective communication. This book therefore highlights the importance of a linguistic and translational policy that also takes into account the development of tools, methods and procedures relating to multilingual terminology. Finally, the author analyses some style guides and extracts from legislative texts on the information society and cybercrime in various language versions.
Source : D. Van Schoor

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