
Publication details [#30598]

Pino Romero, Javier del. 2016. La traducción de términos de la ciencia y la técnica en la prensa española [The translation of scientific and technological terms in the Spanish press]. In d’Angelis, Antonella, Estefanía Flores Acuña and Francisco Núñez-Román, eds. Insights in Translation for Specific Purposes. Special issue of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 2 (1): 26–48.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Target language
Journal DOI


Spanish translators and conference interpreters have dictionaries, glossaries and data banks available to do their work satisfactorily thanks to publishers of technical dictionaries, terminology teams of International Organizations, the Real Academia Española and the Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. However, the situation is quite different in the press, the field of written language where all subjects of social interest are dealt with. The press is the main importer of loanwords, mostly unnecessary Anglicisms (of non-specialized fields but also of science and technology), and journalists make translation mistakes daily. Because of the considerable influence that journalists have on readers, the loanwords they use as well as their translation mistakes infiltrate the Spanish language. This article analyses the translation of scientific and technological texts in the Spanish press and show examples of unnecessary loanwords as well as translation mistakes. It also includes a brief glossary of 45 loanwords and translation mistakes in the military field.
Source : Based on abstract in journal