Publication details [#30600]
Flores Acuña, Estefanía. 2016. Specialised bilingual and multilingual Italian/Spanish lexicography and specialised translation teaching. In d’Angelis, Antonella, Estefanía Flores Acuña and Francisco Núñez-Román, eds. Insights in Translation for Specific Purposes. Special issue of Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 2 (1): 66–91.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
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Journal DOI
Lexicographical resources for the Italian-Spanish language combination are not as numerous as those found in other combinations, particularly as far as specialised lexicography is concerned. Against this background, this paper aims to present some of the most recent Italian-Spanish lexicographical resources with the purpose of reflecting on their contribution to solving the problems encountered in specialised translation training. With this aim in mind, the paper focuses on the world of Fashion, one of the main thematic areas tending to generate texts which are usually translated from Italian into Spanish.
Source : Abstract in journal