Publication details [#30643]
Ji, Meng, Michael P. Oakes, Defeng Li (李德凤) and Lidun Hareide, eds. 2016. Corpus Methodologies Explained: an empirical approach to translation studies. London: Routledge. 244 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition number
This book introduces the latest advances in Corpus-Based Translation Studies (CBTS), a subfield of Translation Studies which forms an important part of both translator training and empirical translation research. Largely empirical and exploratory, a distinctive feature of CBTS is the development and exploration of quantitative linguistic data in search of useful patterns of variation and change in translation. With the introduction of textual statistics to Translation Studies, CBTS has geared towards a new research direction that is more systematic in the identification of translation patterns; and more explanatory of any linguistic variations identified in translations. The book traces the advances from the advent of language corpora in translation studies, to the new textual dimensions and shift towards a probability-variation model. Such advances made in CBTS have enabled in-depth analyses of translation by establishing useful links between a translation and the social and cultural context in which the translation is produced, circulated and consumed.
Source : Publisher information