
Publication details [#31140]

Hanna, Sameh F. 2018. إنتاج المعرفة وتشكيل الهوية في ترجمتين للكتاب المقدس إلى العربية [Production and Identity Formation in Two Arabic Translations of the Bible]. In Baker, Mona, ed. Translation and the Production of Knowledge(s). Special issue of Alif. Journal of Comparative Poetics 38: 11–45. URL


This article explores the complex sociocultural dynamics involved in the Arabic translation of the Bible. Using translations of the Bible by al-Subawi (1300) and al-Bustani-Van Dyck (1865), knowledge production and identity formation are described in light of Bourdieu's concepts. The article problematizes the translation of sacred texts by casting a fresh perspective from the sociology of cultural production. It also challenges the "disinterestedness" associated with translators of sacred texts, unveiling decisions made by translators of the Bible into Arabic in negotiating Christian sacredness in the language of the Quran.
Source : Based on abstract in journal