
Publication details [#31189]

Rangarajan, Padma. 2014. Imperial Babel: translation, exoticism, and the long nineteenth century. New York: Fordham University Press. 272 pp.
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Edition info
ISBN (hardback): 9780823263615 ISBN (e-book): 9780823263622


In this publication, Rangarajan explores translation’s complex role in shaping literary and political relationships between India and Britain. Unlike other readings that cast colonial translation as primarily a tool for oppression, Rangarajan’s argues that translation changed both colonizer and colonized and undermined colonial hegemony as much as it abetted it. The book explores the diverse political and cultural consequences of a variety of texts, from eighteenth-century oriental tales to mystic poetry of the fin de siecle and from translation proper to its ethnological, mythographic, and religious variants. Searching for translation’s trace enables a broader, more complex understanding of intellectual exchange in imperial culture as well as a more nuanced awareness of the dialectical relationship between colonial policy and nineteenth-century literature. Rangarajan argues that while bearing witness to the violence that underwrites translation in colonial spaces, it also important to remain open to the irresolution of translation, its unfixed nature, and its ability to transform both languages in which it works.
Source : Based on publisher information

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