Publication details [#31394]
Gambier, Yves and Ubaldo Stecconi, eds. 2019. A World Atlas of Translation (Benjamins Translation Library 145). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 493 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Edition info
ISBN (hardback): 9789027202154
ISBN (e-book): 9789027262967
What do people think of translation in the different historical, cultural and linguistic traditions of the world? How many uses has translation been put to? How distant from one another are the concepts of translation found in the different traditions? These are some of the questions this atlas addresses. Its twenty-one reports give pictures taken from the inside, both from traditions that are well represented in the literature and from the many that are not. But the atlas is not content with documenting. In fact, the information collected and made accessible by its reporters can be useful to gauge the dispersion of translation concepts across traditions. Finally, the reports can help test the hypothesis that a cross-cultural notion of translation exists. In this respect, the atlas is mostly a proof of concept. It hopes to encourage further fact-based research in quest of a robust and compelling unifying notion of translation.
Source : Based on publisher information