
Publication details [#31479]

Corbett, John and Ting Huang ( 黄婷), eds. 2019. The Translation and Transmission of Concrete Poetry (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies). London: Routledge. 226 pp.
Publication type
Edited volume
Publication language
Source language
Edition number
Edition info
ISBN (hardback): 9781138503823 ISBN (e-book): 9781315145563


This volume addresses the global reception of "untranslatable" concrete poetry. Featuring contributions from an international group of literary and translation scholars and practitioners, working across a variety of languages, the book views the development of the international concrete poetry movement through the lens of "transcreation", that is, the informed, creative response to the translation of playful, enigmatic, visual texts. Contributions range in subject matter from ancient Greek and Chinese pattern poems to modernist concrete poems from the Americas, Europe and Asia. This challenging body of experimental work offers creative challenges and opportunities to literary translators.
Source : Based on publisher information

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