Publication details [#31511]
Xu, Derong and Xiaoli Xiu. 2018. 论儿童幻想小说翻译中的童趣再造 [The Recreation of Children’s Humor in the Translation of Fantasy Novels]. Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (论钱锺书的文学翻译观) 1 : 127–142.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Children’s humor is a key component for the value and charm of children’s fantasy novels. The failure to recreate the child’s humor in the translation of children’s fantasy novels greatly undermines the quality of translation and the acceptance of target readers. Therefore, translators of children’s literature should acquire an acute sense of style about fantasy novels and develop an awareness of “child-oriented” translation before recreating the meanings in the target language that constitute the child’s humor and thus forge the maximum “equivalent” reproduction of the original.
Source : Abstract in journal