
Publication details [#32076]

Drewniak, Paulina. 2020. Literary Translation and Digital Culture: the transmedial breakthrough of Poland’s The Witcher. In Chitnis, Rajendra, Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen, Rhian Atkin and Zoran Milutinovic, eds. Translating the Literatures of Small European Nations. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. pp. 205–226.
Publication type
Chapter in book
Publication language
Source language
Person as a subject
Title as subject


This chapter explores the international transmedial phenomenon, The Witcher, which began life as a 1986 Polish short story, ‘Wiedźmin’ (The Witcher) by Andrzej Sapowski, but has become a paradigm of the intercultural communication facilitated by the digital age, including not only translated fiction, but also fan fiction and fan translations, a videogame trilogy and a film. The chapter highlights the new opportunities that digital cultures offer translated literatures, regardless of national origin, and the challenges they present to existing translation studies theory, dominated by the circulation of high literature in book form. It also notes, however, how even internationally co-owned genre franchises, old considerations of national cultural diplomacy, narrative and identity remain.
Source : Publisher information