
Publication details [#32078]

Mamo, Josianne. 2020. Towards a Multilingual Poetics: self-translation, translingualism and Maltese literature. In Chitnis, Rajendra, Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen, Rhian Atkin and Zoran Milutinovic, eds. Translating the Literatures of Small European Nations. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. pp. 227–246.


This chapter draws attention to self-translation and translingualism as alternative creative strategies to translation, used by multilingual authors to overcome marginalization, inequality and even antagonism between source and target languages and cultures. It argues that, at least in the European context, the field of Translation Studies is dominated by assumptions of monolingualism that, as studies of Latin American and African literatures show, is not the experience of many writers and readers. Drawing on the notion of the translator as a writer, it shows that the writer of the heterolingual text may also be seen as a translator, and to advocate more interaction between the fields of Translation Studies and Creative Writing. Using case studies of heterolingual and self-translated texts by Maltese writers, it explores how such texts might be read and translated in ways that resist homogenization and the erasure of smaller literatures and foreground translingual and transcultural experience.
Source : Publisher information