
Publication details [#32351]

Hunziker Heeb, Andrea. 2020. Effects of directionality on professional translators’ processes, products and effort (Fach – Sprache – Kommunikation 2). Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim. 281 pp.


This empirical study in Cognitive Translation Studies investigated potential effects of translation direction on the translation process, the effort and the product. It focused on the German-English language pair and included qualified specialised translation professionals as participants. In a simulated workplace setting, their translation processes were monitored and analysed following a mixed methods approach. The translations were then compared applying an extensive set of process descriptors, indicators of translation effort and a user-centred product evaluation. Results showed no statistically significant directionality effects for the vast majority of the process descriptors and effort indicators or for product quality.
Source : Based on abstract in book