
Publication details [#3329]

Gercken, Jürgen. 1999. Kultur, Sprache und Text als Aspekte von Original und Übersetzung: theoretische Grundlagen und Exemplifizierung eines Vergleichs kulturspezifischer Textinhalte [Culture, language and text as elements of the original and translation: theoretical foundations and illustration of a comparison between culture-specific text contents] (Nordeuropäische Beiträge aus den Human- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften 19). Bern: Peter Lang. 162 pp.
Publication type
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This work is concerned with the description of content relations between original and translation. The starting points are textual references to culture-specific issues. Contributions from Cultural Studies and linguistics in general and contributions from translation research in particular serve as a theoretical base. The suggested text analysis builds on six types of content relations and a distinction between explicit and implicit culture purchases. These categories are exemplified on the basis of Norwegian source texts and German target texts for three text types.
Source : Based on publisher information

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