
Publication details [#3377]

Clarke, Anthony, Elisabeth Maier and Hans-Udo Stadler. 2002. A report on the experiences of implementing an MT system for use in a commercial environment. In Richardson, Stephen D., ed. Machine Translation: from research to real users (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2499). Cham: Springer. pp. 187–194.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


This paper describes the process of implementing a machine translation system (NIT system) and the problems and pitfalls encountered within this process at CLS Corporate Language Services AG, a language solutions provider for the Swiss financial services industry, in particular UBS AG and Zurich Financial Services. The implementation was based on the perceived requirements of large organizations, which is why the focus was more on practical rather than academic aspects. The paper can be roughly divided into three parts: (1) definition of the implementation process, co-ordination and execution, (2) implementation plan and customer/user management, (3) monitoring of the MT system and related maintenance after going live.
Source : Bitra