Publication details [#33868]
Ðurić, Mina М. 2020. Immanent Polyglossia of Ulysses: South Slavic context born retranslated. In Wawrzycka, Jolanta and Erika Mihálycsa, eds. Retranslating Joyce for the 21st Century. Leiden: Brill / Rodopi. pp. 165–178.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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Title as subject
Immanent polyglossia in Ulysses poses challenges to translators. This chapter raises the question about the retranslations of Ulysses into South Slavic languages – Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian and Slovenian – by analysing how translators approach the elements of those languages present in Joyce’s text. Taking a phrase from the “Cyclops” episode as a starting point, this chapter delineates the main characteristics of the process of translavication, that is, re-rendering or retranslating into South Slavic languages of the Slavic-inflected terms used by Joyce. Aspects of translation history and cultural connections between Joyce’s text and the South Slavic languages come to the forefront as the paradigm of modernization of the 20th century novel and they highlight the centrality of translations and retranslations of Ulysses in this process.
Source : Publisher information