
Publication details [#3442]

Crespo Hidalgo, Juan. 2003. Cómo nace una bibliografía de traducción e interpretación en España: treinta años de tesis doctorales [How a bibliography of translation and interpreting was born in Spain: thirty years of doctoral dissertations]. In Ortega Arjonilla, Emilio, ed. Panorama actual de la investigación en traducción e interpretación 1 [A state of affairs of translation and interpreting research 1]. Granada: Atrio. pp. 1–46.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language


The author reviews the history of bibliographies of translation and interpreting published in Spain, including Menéndez Pelayo (c. 1910), Polo (1976), Santoyo Mediavilla (1996); Navarro Domínguez (1996): Palomares Perraut (1998), and Franco Aixelá (2001). Then the author goes on to provide a list of part of the Spanish Ph.D's on translation and interpreting which have been submitted in the last 30 years, and classifies them by subjects.
Source : BITRA / J. Franco