
Publication details [#3464]

Desmond, William Olivier. 2001. Le cliché: un allié pas forcément encombrant. Le point de vue d'un practicien [The cliché: an ally which is not necessarily troublesome. The point of view of a professional]. In Bensimon, Paul, ed. Le cliché en traduction [Clichés in translation]. Special issue of Palimpsestes 13: 55–63.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language


As a professional translator, the author analyses how the cliché should be used in translations, taking numerous examples in different translations he made: he tries to show that, contrary to the common view, the cliché should not be systematically eliminated, being often very helpful for him, as it allows rendering the special meanings intended by the author, either by using a French cliché corresponding to the one used by the author, or by introducing a new one. However, he cautions against any automatic or systematic use of such a trick, which of course then becomes open to criticism. He also points out the fact that, in the end, every word is a cliché, that is to say a lieu commun, a commonplace, something upon which everybody agrees, and that what is the most important is to give back meaning and style, something that can be done with the help of clichés, used sensitively and advisedly.
Source : Bitra