
Publication details [#3500]

Sidiropoulou, Maria. 2004. Linguistic identities through translation (Approaches to Translation Studies 23). Amsterdam: Rodopi. 186 pp.
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Also reviewed in: Jeremy Munday (2006). “Translation Studies”. #Years Work Critical and Cultural Theory# 14 (1): 195-208.


This book addresses the need for a systematic approach to the study of identities. The author explores the potential of drawing conclusions about linguistic identities through analysis of source and target versions of texts. She focuses on English-Greek translation contexts and brings in evidence from other language pairs. The study investigates systematic variation in three genres (press, EU and literary/theatre translation contexts) to trace signs of intercultural difference inscribed in text that may be part of the source or target identity. It thus highlights the potential of translation to enlighten research on identity and contributes insights into interdisciplinary projects on intercultural difference. This book has a consciousness-raising intention, in that it seeks to enhance linguistic identity awareness and to shed light on its development.
Source : Based on publisher information

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