
Publication details [#3510]

Barbosa, Heloisa G. and Aurora M. S. Neiva. 2003. Using think-aloud protocols to investigate the translation process of foreign language learners and experienced translators. In Alves, Fabio, ed. Triangulating translation: perspectives in process oriented research (Benjamins Translation Library 45). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 137–155.


This article outlines the trajectory of the PRONIT research group, based at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The group has done research into the translation process of foreign language learners and experienced translators, using the think-aloud protocol methodology, in the monologue and dialogue modes. The article describes how the group arrived at its basic tenet, the translation flow, which has been used as a cornerstone in its research design. The article further exploits how the group has refined its methodology as its work has progressed, in an attempt to offset the difficulties in assessing the translation process which are inherent to the methodology. The group’s preliminary findings are discussed. These concern the translation problems of foreign language learners and the problem solving strategies employed by both foreign language learners and experienced translators, working alone or in pairs. A brief attempt is made to compare the findings for the two groups.
Source : Abstract in book