
Publication details [#35203]

Kolb, Waltraud. 2021. “Hemingway’s priorities were just different”: self-concepts of literary translators. In Kaindl, Klaus, Waltraud Kolb and Daniela Schlager, eds. Literary Translator Studies (Benjamins Translation Library 156). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 107–122.


This chapter will look at self-concepts of literary translators from a cognitive perspective, based on the analysis of verbal reports (VR) that were generated by professional literary translators while they translated Hemingway’s “A Very Short Story” into German in the context of a broader empirical study of literary translation processes. Kolb first looks at how the five participants of this empirical study resolved the bird dilemma, and then zooms in on two of them and shows how this correlates with their respective self-concepts that emerge from the VR.
Source : Based on introduction in book