Publication details [#3521]
Huddleston Edgerton, Susan. 1996. Translating the curriculum: multiculturalism into cultural studies. London: Routledge. 201 pp.
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Although recent theory in multicultural education has acknowledged what has been called 'the new politics of difference', university discourses on the subject are seldom well translated to schools and the larger public. This book calls for a new theoretical and practical lens through which to examine multicultural education and suggests that this lens may be found in the British cultural studies tradition. Susan Huddleston Edgerton looks at pedagogy from the perspectives of structuralist and
poststructuralist philosophy and social theory, literary criticism, literature and autobiography. She then uses this interdisciplinary approach to examine the larger notions of marginality, essentialism, identity, and translation across difference. Edgerton gestures toward a unique multicultural curriculum and she implicates herself by considering her own classroom practice and the ways her curriculum has been received by her students. [Source: BITRA]
Source : Bitra