Publication details [#35351]
Huang, Ting ( 黄婷). 2019. Edwin Morgan as Transcreator. In Corbett, John and Ting Huang ( 黄婷), eds. The Translation and Transmission of Concrete Poetry (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies). London: Routledge. pp. 112–126.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Person as a subject
This chapter focuses on the Scottish poet, Morgan’s translation of de Campos’ long, later concrete poem Servidão de Passagem as ‘Transient Servitude.’ Both poets were also accomplished translators, and their collaboration on the reconstitution of de Campos’ poem in English marks an extended case study and negotiation of the concept of ‘transcreation.’ The discussion of this case study draws upon published and unpublished letters between Morgan and de Campos all of which are archived among the Morgan Papers, in the Department of Special Collections, in the University of Glasgow Library.
Source : Based on publisher information