Publication details [#36099]
Laviosa, Sara. 2018. Translanguaging and translation pedagogies. In Dam, Helle Vrønning, Matilde Nisbeth Brøgger and Karen Korning Zethsen, eds. Moving Boundaries in Translation Studies. London: Routledge. pp. 181–199.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Applied translation studies is opening up, more than ever before, to neighbouring disciplines that partake in some of its key concerns and areas of enquiry. Educational linguistics is one such discipline. Both academic fields are being influenced by a paradigm shift in applied linguistics named the ‘multilingual turn’. Within a broad multilingual orientation, this chapter introduces the notion of translanguaging in translation studies and explores how this bilingual practice may enrich language and translation teaching in higher education. First, the chapter expounds the principles upheld by the multilingual turn. Second, it traces the development of the concept of translanguaging from its Welsh origins at Bangor University in Gwynedd to recent pedagogical applications in a variety of educational contexts. Third, it reports on a descriptive observational case study of translating and translanguaging in second language learning at an Italian university.
Source : Publisher information