Publication details [#3611]
Fuertes Olivera, Pedro A. 2003. La relevancia de la labor de documentación en la traducción económica [The importance of documentation in business translation]. In Puerta López-Cózar, José Luis and Assumpta Mauri Más. Manual para la redacción, traducción y publicación de textos médicos [A handbook for the writing, translation and publishing of medical texts]. Paris: Masson.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Edition info
Professional translators must be aware of global semantics and its restrictions: syntax, specialist technical vocabulary and the use of different information systems. Hence translators much increasingly perform some documentation searches in order to deliver quality translations. The article studies these theoretical hypotheses through the analysis of examples from the fields of economy and law.
Source : BITRA / P. Orero Clavero