
Publication details [#36165]

Michael, Joachim. 2014. A heteronímia de Fernando Pessoa: literatura plurilíngue e translacional [The Heteronymy of Fernando Pessoa: multilingual and translational literature]. In Kampff Lages, Susana, Mônica Maria Guimarães Savedra and Johannes Kretschmer, eds. Depois de Babel [After Babel]. Special issue of Cadernos de Tradução 33 (2): 160–181.
Publication type
Article in Special issue
Publication language
Portuguese, Brazilian
Person as a subject


Pessoa is considered as one of the most important Portuguese poets, but he was at the same time a great English poet. Proceeding on this observation, the present article proposes to discuss the function of languages, of their differences and of the interlingual passages in the work of Pessoa. This question, nonetheless, involves the problem of the heteronymic writing. As a matter of fact, heteronymy is present in the transgressions of linguistic and cultural boundaries. In order to better understand this pluralistic and translational tendency, it is inevitable to analyze the meaning and the ways that heteronymy functions. The main goal of this article is to debate the phenomenon as a radical literary proposal that, on the basis of the experience of the dissolution irremediable of the real, simulates fiction. As in both the qualitative and the quantitative sense, heteronymy involves intercultural passages and tends to transgress its own limit, which is language.
Source : Based on abstract in article