
Publication details [#36210]

Almela, Jorge Soto. 2014. Referencias Culturales en el Ámbito de la Flora: estrategias traslativas en folletos turísticos de la región de Murcia (España) [Cultural References in the Field of Flora: translation strategies in tourist brochures of the region of Murcia (Spain)]. Cadernos de Tradução 34 (2) : 142–166.


It is well known that the translation of cultural references present in a source text (ST) is one of the biggest challenges that the translator of tourist texts must face. In fact, tourist texts become a real meeting point where culturemes from diverse fields such as cuisine, cultural heritage and even the environment converge. This latter area is precisely the object of this study, focused on the translation into English of culturemes belonging to the flora of the region of Murcia and found in tourist brochures distributed in that region. This comparative study intends to extract the translation strategies most used in the translation of such terms in order to pay the deserved attention to tourist translation and contribute to its consideration as a specialized translation.
Source : Based on abstract in article