
Publication details [#3714]

Nadiani, Giovanni. 2003. Letteratura elettronica e sua traducibilità: verso una teoria della traduzione digitale [Electronic literature and its translatability: towards a theory of digital translation]. Intralinea 6. URL
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
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No page numbers available.


Due to the scarcity of theoretical studies about the translation - or rather, the localization - of new esthetical products such as electronic literature, this paper aims at stimulating the debate about this branch of Theoretical Translation Studies, which doesn't seem to be at all medium-restricted. Many scholars who point out the necessity of new theories in order to grasp the continuos expansion and rapid transformation of the translation practice. Multimedia Translation should increase its autonomy as a specific area in the field of Translation Studies, but it should not be used to elaborate “a full, inclusive theory accommodating so many elements that it can serve to explain and predict all phenomena falling within the terrain of translating and translation” (Holmes 1998: 73). Rather, it may be instrumental in bringing forth some ideas that take into account what happens. In analogy with the differentiation made in studies on electronic literature the author of this paper would like to suggest a distinction between digitized translation and digital translation, and in so doing to stress new theoretical implications.
Source : Based on abstract in journal