Publication details [#37902]
Ramírez Morales, Javiera, Mirla Correa Castro and Néstor Singer. 2019. La neutralización cultural como estrategia para la traducción de la afectividad de microcuentos [Neutralization as a strategy to translate the affectiveness of microtales]. Cadernos de Tradução 39 (3) : 189–208.
Publication type
Article in jnl/bk
Publication language
Source language
Target language
This article aims to translate the emotional factor in 16 short stories of Santiago en 100 Palabras by exploring new strategies to produce a semantic-affective translation. Specifically, this research highlights neutralization (Aixelá) as a means to achieve an emotional equivalence in such text typologies. Data collection was carried out by means of a survey collecting the emotions produced in 32 Spanish speakers and 20 English speakers. A three-step methodology was used: i) translation proposal, ii) validation, and iii) final editing. The results indicate emotional equivalence was achieved in 81% of the short stories. As to those cases of emotional incongruence, it is considered it may be due to the following reasons: textual typology conventions and emotional subjectivity. In conclusion, cultural neutralization is considered an appropriate strategy to achieve emotional equivalence between these two languages in the selected corpus.
Source : Based on abstract in journal